Kevin Chadbourne Downs | LAC-S, LAC, LPC-S, LPC, MAC, SAP, CSAT, CPTT, CAI
Please Call 24/7: (843) 469-5489
Addictions Counseling
Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Sex Addiction
Pornography Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a deadly, chronic disease characterized by out of control drinking, combined with a constant obsession for alcohol.
1 in 8 American adults, or 12.7% of U.S. population, meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorder.
25% of adult men that drank in the last month - “Binge” drank - at least 5 times (8+ drinks).
Alcohol abusers are at extremely high risk for suicide, depression, incarceration, DUI’s, sexual crimes, and STD’s.
Drug addiction, similar to alcohol addiction, is characterized by unsuccessful attempts to control drug usage and an obsession to take more.
On average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid related overdose.
In 2017, 47,000 Americans died from prescription pill/opioid overdoses.
New heroin users have decreased since 2016, while the number of new opioid users has increased significantly.
IITAP Defines Sex Addiction as any sexually related compulsive behavior - which interferes with normal living, and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved one’s, and one’s work environment.
Porn addiction, separate from sex addiction, is the compulsive/ impulsive, need to view pornography and engage in contemporaneous masturbation.
In 2019, the pornography website - "Pornhub" - reported receiving over 42 billion annual website visits, or an average of 115 million visits per day.
Sex and porn addictions are examples of "process addictions" - which are under consideration for inclusion - in the next iteration of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM).